13. Education, Health and Social Reform

The agenda for improving sustainable livelihoods outlined above cannot be achieved without badly needed improvements in other important areas including education, health and people’s mobilisation for social reform. The state of school education at present…

11. Livelihoods Linked to Tourism

Particularly after the creation of Uttaranchal, Bundelkhand is frequently seen as the main tourism centre for Uttar Pradesh. Apart from the most famous pilgrimage of Chitrakut, Bundelkhand has the famous Jain temples of Lalitpur and…

10. Crafts, Artisans and Industry

BU sub-region has a number of specialised crafts (such as wood toys and silver fish) for which particular areas are known. While these need to be encouraged and promoted, the livelihood potential is even higher…

8. Mining

Many parts of this region have vast deposits of minor minerals. Granite, stone chips, stone powder, silica sand and river bank sand are being obtained by indiscriminate mining practices every day in vast quantities. The…